7th Grade Revolution by Liana Gardner

7th Grade Revolution

Title: 7th Grade Revolution

Author: Liana Gardner

Publisher: Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Member’s Titles

Date of publication: October 24th, 2017

Genre: History, Middle Grade

Number of pages: 301

POV: 3rd person

Where you can find 7th Grade Revolution: Barnes and Noble | Amazon

Book synopsis (from Goodreads):


Inspired by True Events

Dennis Alexander: Washington Academy Middle School promises to be another in the long line of boring schools he has been expelled from. 

Rhonda Snodgrass: Although trained from childhood in survival tactics, she tries to stay off the radar of the “cool” kids who think she’s weird. 

7th grade turns out to be anything but normal when teachers announce the students’ bloodless revolution succeeded and they are now in charge. After conducting a secret-ballot vote on policy, the 7th graders emerge to find the school evacuated and the FBI lurking outside with the task of unearthing a treasure of national importance. 

The students’ mission is clear—discover the treasure before the FBI locks down the building. Dennis and Rhonda lead the revolt and must work together to follow century-old clues left by a crazy Revolutionary War buff. 

To stay one step ahead of the FBI, they must delve into history and amass an arsenal to defend their school … because this is WAR! 

Trigger Warning: None

My review:

I have started to read more and more middle-grade books. Having two tweens and one of them who loves to read, I am always on the lookout for good middle-grade books. The cover of 7th Grade Revolution caught my eye when I saw it. When I read the blurb, my interest was caught and I had to read it. I am glad I did because this is a book that I would definitely let my kids read.

7th Grade Revolution was based on real events. The 7th graders at Exploris Middle School staged a bloodless revolution. The reason, they were upset with the teachers. The author took that real life event and ran with it. Which resulted in a book that mirrored National Treasure but on a kid’s level. I loved it. The plot of this book

The plot of this book was very simple. 7th graders at Washington Academy Middle School staged a bloodless revolution and won. While in a room, debating school schedules and courses, the entire school is evacuated. All grades except the 7th grade. One of the students picks up a conversation between two FBI agents about a secret treasure.  The secret treasure is hidden inside the school and the FBI is going to try to flush them out. The students decide to stay one step ahead of the agents by stockpiling food and water. They also decide to find the treasure before the FBI. The resulting adventure reveals surprising secrets about their school. It also reveals secrets about the American Revolutionary War.

Image result for pictures of kids holding torches in a tunnel
Photo Credit

There are several main characters in 7th Grade Revolution. I am going to focus on the main two characters, Dennis and Rhonda. The secondary characters in this book are what made the book. They gave the book substance and the ability for me to believe that these kids actually did what they did.

Dennis did not want to be in that school. Being the new kid, he’s the outsider and everyone looks at him like a bit of a bad boy. But when push comes to shove, he becomes the person that everyone leans on. He does have his demons and I was heartbroken when I read how they came about.

Rhonda is the low kid on the totem pole at Washington Academy Middle School. She was teased because her father has trained her in survival tactics in preparation. But those were for a zombie apocalypse. She tends to keep herself because of that. When the students discover the passage under the school, she is only one who can help them get the secret treasure.

Like I said above, this is a middle-grade book. My children are almost 10 and almost 12 and 7th Grade Revolution will be a perfect read for them. I am planning on buying this for my almost 10-year-old for Christmas. He loves these kinds of books and I can see 7th Grade Revolution becoming a favorite of his.

The end of the book was pretty typical. All the storylines were wrapped up in a very satisfactory way that satisfied me as a reader. I did like how everything was explained to the kids about the secret treasure.

4 stars

My Summary of 7th Grade Revolution:

7th Grade Revolution is a fantastic middle-grade book. This book has memorable characters, both main and secondary, as well as a plot that will keep you on your toes. I plan on getting this book for my almost 10-year-old.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Tween

Why: There is some mild violence in this book. Otherwise very clean. I would recommend for a tween (10+). Any younger, I would suggest using your discretion.

I would like to thank Liana Gardner, Independent Book Publishers Association, Member’s Titles and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review 7th Grade Revolution.

All opinions stated in this review of 7th Grade Revolution are mine. 

I did not receive any compensation for this review.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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