A Mayfair Conundrum (Vasa and Ypres: Book 1) by J.B.Chisholm

Book Cover


Date of Publication: March 31st, 2016

Genre: Humor, British

Series: Vasa and Ypres

Mayfair Conundrum—Book 1

Park Avenue or Bust—Book 2

Purchase Links: Amazon

Goodreads Synopsis:

Forever stylish Vanessa E. Vasa was honing her observation skills when she bumped into Lanky Ella Lanesbury. Or rather Ella bumped into her, twice. When Ella reveals a conundrum, Vanessa is enlisted to help with the aid of her stoic lady’s assistant, Mildred Ypres. Follow Vasa and Ypres as they humorously navigate London’s Mayfair in their first, but hopefully not last, adventure.

Do you like British humor?

Do you like short stories that are extremely funny?

Then follow the link at the end of this review to buy Vasa and Ypres: A Mayfair Conundrum.

This book was hilarious. From the beginning scene where Vasa announces to an airplane full of people (through talking to her assistant Vpres) that her boobs are not even to investigating her frenemy Ella’s conundrum to the hilarious ending, it was nonstop with the laughs.

It is written with very dry British humor, so you need to be familiar with that type of humor or have that sense of humor yourself. I, for one, greatly enjoy that type of humor, so this book was great.

At 78 pages, this book will be perfect for the beach or sitting by the pool!!!