Update on Me

I know I haven’t been posting much. I wanted to let you all know what is going on (which is a lot).

I hurt my arm pretty bad last week which affected my typing (and lifting). I thought I had torn my bicep or rotator cuff. Thankfully it wasn’t either. I sprained my bicep….which I didn’t know you could do. It is better now (I still can’t turn my arm a certain way) but man, it hurt!!!

My youngest daughter, Miss R, has been going through a rough patch. She has had behavioral problems which started when we went into lockdown back in March 2020. In October, she started seeing a therapist and has gotten better. But, BK and I noticed that she never seemed rested after sleeping (always has bags under her eyes) and BK heard her gasping for breath in her sleep. Plus, she is always very restless in her sleep (kicking, moving constantly). Everything combined was enough for me to call her pediatrician. She was concerned enough to refer us to a pediatric sleep specialist who then ordered a sleep study. The appointment with the sleep specialist and the sleep study took place last week but leading up to it, her sleep got worse. And when she can’t sleep, I can’t sleep. So I have been averaging up between 3-5 hours of sleep a night. I am exhausted (as is she). We are waiting on either the specialist or the neurologist to call and give a diagnosis.

Add in the other life issues (like Mr. Z getting braces), and I haven’t felt like reading. Too much going on and too much on my mind. But, now that things seem to be leveling off (knock on wood), I am starting to want to read again.

So that’s it. That’s where I have been. I hope to resume blogging by this weekend (if my arm agrees with me). I have quite a few book reviews backed up that need to be written!!!

13 thoughts on “Update on Me

  1. My heart goes out to you, Jolie. I hope you get some answers regarding your daughter and that she gets the treatment and relief she deserves. I am glad to hear your arm is healing. What a year for you so far! What you do on this blog is wonderful. It is a service to the entire writing and reading communities, but nothing is more important than your family and your health. Sending lots of hugs!

    1. Thank you Lori!! I hope so too!! I hate seeing her acting the way she does and knowing that it could be sleep related.

  2. OMG, Jolie. I am so behind reading blogs, I just saw this today. When our kids are dealing with stuff, it is ten fold for parents. I hope you have some answers by now and that your arm is feeling better. I’m glad it was a sprain in your bicep and not a tear that would require surgery.

    1. I am super behind too. My arm injury has done a number on me. I do have some answers and will be getting more on Weds (we are meeting with a specialist). Hope everything is going well with you!!!

      1. All is good, I am enjoying my time in Florida, but I will be heading back home in 3 weeks.

      2. That’s awesome!! We’re actually heading to Fl when school gets out (end of May) for a much deserved vacation.

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