The Deepest Cut (The MacKinnon Curse: Book 1) by J.A. Templeton

Book Cover

Publisher: Julia Templeton

Date of publication: December 18th, 2013

Genre: Paranormal, Young Adult, Ghosts, Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal Romance

Series: MacKinnon Curse

The MacKinnon Curse—Book 0.5

The Deepest Cut—Book 1

The Haunted—Book 2

The Departed—Book 3

Purchase Links: Amazon

Goodreads synopsis:

Sixteen-year-old Riley Williams has been able to see ghosts since the car crash that took her mother’s life and shattered her family. Guilt-ridden over the belief that she’s somehow responsible for her mom’s death, Riley is desperate to see her mother’s elusive spirit to gain her forgiveness.

When her father moves the family to Scotland so they can all start over, Riley believes her life couldn’t get worse––that is until the ghost of nineteen-year-old Ian MacKinnon catches her purposely cutting herself. An uneasy truce quickly turns into friendship, and soon Riley’s falling hard for Ian.

Riley believes her gift could help Ian end the curse that has kept him tied to the land for centuries, but that would mean letting him go forever and she’s not sure she is strong enough to do that. As if her life wasn’t complicated enough, the spirit of the woman who killed Ian returns and she’ll stop at nothing to keep Riley from helping Ian find eternal peace.


What I liked about The Deepest Cut:

  1. It was set in Scotland. I have a love affair with Scotland going on. I read everything and anything that I can get my hands on about Scotland. Such a history-rich country!!!
  2. Riley’s character. I like the fact that the author chose to tackle cutting. Self-harming isn’t addressed enough in books, or it is glorified. Riley’s cutting was incorporated into the storyline, and the author chose to do it classily.
  3. Ian’s character. Even though he was a ghost, he smoldered in this book.

What I disliked about The Deepest Cut:

  1. Laria’s character. I felt awful for her character. I wish that more was revealed about her!!! A journal wasn’t enough. And she gave me the creeps.
  2. The local kids. For some reason, they all rubbed me the wrong way. Too much cattiness from all ends. Drove me nuts to read those scenes.
  3. Riley’s dad. Didn’t read that much about him in the book except in the beginning.

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